Quarterly Symposiums

All are open to the public and free of charge

Funded by the Lilly Endowment

First Quarter, 2024

The Journey to Community: January 2024, A Gathering to Celebrate Ecumenical Worship and Education with a service during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

Held at First Presbyterian Church on Sunday, January 21, 2024 with special educational offering by Dr. Wes Granberg-Michaelson following the worship service. This was an ecumenical service sponsored by NMCC, Catholic Charities, EIM, and others to celebrate ecumenism. Worship leadership was provided by several judicatory leaders, with music provided by the First Presbyterian Church Chancel Choir. The educational event and refreshments were held in the Fellowship Hall following the service. Dr. Granberg-Michaelson spoke about the challenges facing the global church.

Second Quarter, 2024

The Journey to Becoming: A Thriving Congregation: A Theological Reflection on Environmental Work in Local Churches featuring Bishop Michael Hunn and Rev. Talitha Arnold.

This breakfast event was held at First Presbyterian Church on Wednesday, April 10 at 8:00 AM with a guided meditation by Sister Joan Brown. This event was sponsored by NMCC and NM Interfaith Power and Light.  A discussion led by Bishop Hunn and Rev. Arnold centered around the response of people of faith to environmental issues and how this work creates thriving congregations.

Third Quarter, 2024

Journey to Peace: An Interfaith Service Commemorating the Trinity Site Nuclear Tests

Sunday, July 14, 2024

John XXIII Catholic Community, Albuquerque, NM

2:00 PM

Fourth Quarter, 2024

Journey to Reconciliation: Courageous Conversations: Who Is My Neighbor?
Cultivating Covenanted Kinship in a Culture of Colonization

With TiLT [Taos Initiative for Life Together]

Friday, September 13, 2024

Taos, NM

Here we are, multi-cultural citizens of NM seeking to live well in this amazing place together, yet haunted by histories that have often exploited, divided, ignored and colonized, often in the name of God. 

Our gentle and generous facilitators will call us in --not "call us out"--into ways we can live in sacred solidarity and support, treating each other as kin as we face our common uncertain future.

  • 8:30am to 12:30pm in downtown Taos @ TiLT [Taos Initiative for Life Together]

  • 1-2pm Special After-Event Gathering of music, prayer and sharing at Kevin Whitefeather’s Pueblo land 

For more information, contact: Todd Wynward, Exec Director, TiLT [Taos Initiative for Life Together] taostilt.org