Quarterly Symposiums
All are open to the public and free of charge
Funded by the Lilly Endowment

First Quarter, 2025
The Journey to Unity: January 2025, As Ecumenical Worship Service for Christian Unity.
Held at First Presbyterian Church in Albuquerque on Sunday, January 26, 2025, with guest speaker, Rev. Dr. Toni Hawkins, UCC Southwest Conference Minister. This ecumenical service focused on the 1700 anniversary of the Nicene Creed and was planned by the Catholic Ecumenical Commission and the New Mexico Conference of Churches. Worship was provided by denominational leaders with music led by the First Presbyterian Church Choir. The service and reception that followed offered an opportunity for fellowship and networking bringing Christians together around the theme of unity.
Second Quarter, 2024
The Journey to Becoming: A Thriving Congregation: A Theological Reflection on Environmental Work in Local Churches featuring Bishop Michael Hunn and Rev. Talitha Arnold.
This breakfast event was held at First Presbyterian Church on Wednesday, April 10 at 8:00 AM with a guided meditation by Sister Joan Brown. This event was sponsored by NMCC and NM Interfaith Power and Light. A discussion led by Bishop Hunn and Rev. Arnold centered around the response of people of faith to environmental issues and how this work creates thriving congregations.
Third Quarter, 2024
Journey to Peace: An Interfaith Service Commemorating the Trinity Site Nuclear Tests
Sunday, July 14, 2024
John XXIII Catholic Community, Albuquerque, NM
2:00 PM
We were grateful to participate with the Archdiocese of Santa Fe and the many sponsors and presenters whose words and prayers invited inspiration and hope to participants.
Fourth Quarter, 2024
Journey to Reconciliation: Courageous Conversations: Who Is My Neighbor?
Cultivating Covenanted Kinship in a Culture of Colonization
With TiLT [Taos Initiative for Life Together]
Friday, September 13, 2024
Taos, NM
Reflections & Takeaways
Todd Wynward, convener, noted: the event lived up to it’s title: I felt we as a body moved a few steps farther on our journey toward “Becoming Good News in a Weary World.” The event itself was definitely good news, creating connections and inspiring imagination during a historical moment in desperate need of such things.
Through the success of the event, some truths became very evident:
~ People from diverse spiritual traditions are hungry to come together to find common ground. Many feel alienated, isolated, alone, and they are hungry for shared paradigms and shared purpose in a shared watershed.
~ To be the spirit-following community leaders and change agents our region needs us to be, people are coming to realize they need to “go to school” and stay on a path of ongoing spiritual development. We need to participate in life labs where we can gain the resources needed to mount a sufficient response to the times we are in. As one recent speaker wisely observed: “the tools that we had even just ten years ago are not sufficient to get us through this time.”
~ We have a vast amount of experience and wisdom and maturity in this bioregion, and we do not need to be saved by “outside experts” or professional presenters; rather, we can find within our own collected community the wisdom, courage, imagination and discernment to point the way ahead.
~ This event was a seed which may sprout many mysterious and marvelous shoots andfruits. Only God knows!