Working Together, Our Light Shines Brightly.
Meet Our Members & Partners
Working Together Is Better!
NMCC Works With Our Member Churches.
Our Member Churches supply judicatory deputies to keep the NMCC board apprised of the concerns and opportunities among the congregations and parishes within each geographic region. This is a vital connection able to facility new and imaginative approaches to working together. We discover that each denomination and each region exhibits particular gifts; we work to co-ordinate, in a complimentary and ecumenical manner, the expressions of those gifts through mission, programs, education and mutual support.
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Working Together Has A Long History
NMCC’s Affiliated Agencies
The New Mexico Conference of Churches has worked, since its inception, to support the development of projects able to address particular problems and challenges within our state. These Affiliated Agencies often began in the incubator of NMCC, but when the time was right incorporated as non-profit organizations and assumed responsibility for financial management. Two of the earliest, HELP and The Storehouse, have 40+ years of fiscal independence from NMCC, yet they continue to be our affiliates. Two of these institutions, Ecumenical Institute for Ministry and Lutheran Advocacy Ministry (New Mexico) have memoranda of understanding mutually connecting work and mission. One on this list, Interfaith Coalition for Immigrant Justice, incorporated and began their financial independence in 2016. We are enriched by all the work we’ve done together: projects that have sustained for decades, work that has completed their mission, agencies that deepen relationships with NMCC and future work/programs/responses/opportunities we will launch together.
NMCC works with our Interfaith and Community Partners
For the past several years, we have noticed a trend to work on common concerns by engaging the fullest possible range of faith communities. We are learning to share our faith perspectives in a genuine and helpful manner; we are creating new relationships; we are working together on a variety of projects.