The New Mexico Conference of Churches

A Community Of Christians Across The State

We build relationships among denominations, with partners in ministry and through interfaith networks. This is our faith practice in response into Jesus' prayer that we all may be one. The fruit of these relationships is a common mission to respond to those in need, to speak up for those excluded from the political process and to advocate on issues of statewide importance. For more than 50 years, the New Mexico Conference of Churches has identified areas of need in the state, has joined in advocacy for the poor within our state, and has developed programs to offer justice, compassion, hope and healing.

Our Mission Statement

Heeding Jesus’ call to strive for
unity, justice, peace, and the integrity of creation,
we are people of faith ministering to bring healing and hope to New Mexico.

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Announcing The Journey Project

NMCC has launched The Journey Project, the new Strengthening the Church Initiative, sponsored by the Lilly Endowment. Events held throughout the year can be found in the Journey Project section of our website. We hope you will join us!

The Journey Project offers complimentary Small Group Study Guides for all churches interested. Please open the “Learn More” link to access The Journey Project’s Home page for additional information.

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